What is Colic?

The term colic is actually a blanket description for a variety of symptoms. The baby suffers with painful gas, bloating and stomach spasms, crying for hours at a time. Bonding with the baby becomes very difficult. Siblings, especially under 3 years of age, do not understand the constant crying and become upset or cranky themselves. Parents are sleep-deprived, making it difficult to focus, make decisions or perform simple tasks. Relationships within the family become very strained. Infant colic is not only a struggle for the baby and the parents, but for the entire family unit.

Baby Gas

Baby gas is uncomfortable, but normal. However, excessive baby gas comes with a range of symptoms including frequent fussing, irritability, cramping, bloating, flatulence, hiccuping and excessive burping. If babies swallow air as they cry or feed, the gas becomes worse. Many babies suffering with excessive gas also have a slightly immature digestive system that causes these digestive difficulties. Sometimes baby’s painful gassiness is worse at night when most digestion takes place in our bodies. Proper feeding and burping techniques can help to minimize uncomfortable infant gas and colic symptoms. Alternative colic remedies, such as Colic-Ease gripe water, are formulated to help relieve normal and excessive baby gassiness without the use of drugs.

Reduce Baby Reflux That Causes Pain and Crying

It's known as gastroesophageal reflux, infant acid reflux, and simply as baby reflux and is common in infants. Infant acid reflux occurs when a baby’s stomach contents back up into the esophagus. The baby’s reflux may cause hiccups, spitting up or vomiting. Most cases of infant reflux are caused by immaturity of the muscle between the stomach and esophagus. With silent baby reflux, the stomach acids only partially enter the esophagus, so there’s no vomiting. Infants may arch their backs, attempting to ease their discomfort. Crying episodes are intense and lengthy. Using correct feeding techniques and administering Colic-Ease gripe water before each feeding can help with infant acid reflux discomfort.

The Signs of Colic Affect Baby and Family

Colic usually begins within a few weeks of birth and can last for up to 6 months. The signs of colic include:
  • Loud, inconsolable crying, several times a week
  • Predictable crying times, often becoming worse in late afternoon or evening
  • Crying episodes lasting 2 to 3 hours
  • Scrunching or stiffly extending legs, passing gas, clenching fists
  • Hard, enlarged and distended abdomen

Colic Facts

Although no one knows for sure what causes colic, the following list contains helpful information to assist you in accurately separating the facts about colic from some common misconceptions.
  • The colicky pains a baby experiences may be more manageable through natural, complementary practices and alternative therapies.
  • Both formula-fed and breast-fed babies may experience colic. Factors such as caffeine in coffee, tea and soft drinks along with Theobromine (found in chocolate), cross into the breast milk. Alcohol and artificial sweeteners can also be passed on, and all of these may cause irritability and upset stomachs.
  • Studies have revealed that infant colic is not allergies, lactose intolerance, maternal anxiety, spicy or rich foods, the birth order of the child, or the mom's fault.
  • Both boys and girls experience colic equally.
  • The number of children afflicted with colic over the years has remained constant.
  • Although hydrochloric acid (used to facilitate digestion) is present in the baby's stomach at birth, levels of this acid remain low during the first two months after birth, causing some babies to have trouble digesting their food.
  • The nicotine contained in tobacco smoke has been found in babies' blood samples when inhaled from a smoker's environment. If a nursing mother smokes, her baby gets nicotine both from her breast milk and from inhaling the smoke.
  • A large number of colicky babies experience frequent hiccups which are caused when the diaphragm (a muscle that sits above the stomach) becomes irritated. This irritation often occurs when an infant is sucking too quickly during feedings (and swallowing air) or drinking large amounts of breast milk or formula without burping (causing gas). In both cases, the baby's stomach expands and pushes up, irritating the diaphragm muscle
  • Babies with griping pains will cry inconsolably, often screaming, extending or pulling up their legs and passing gas. Their stomachs may be enlarged or distended with gas. Crying spells can occur around the clock, becoming worse in the early evening. Remember to have a professional rule out any serious medical problem, such as hernia or pyloric stenosis, before assuming your baby has colic.
  • Introducing solids into your baby’s diet will not improve colic. In fact, solids may cause other health issues in newborns. Up until the age of 4 months, babies do not require solid foods.
  • Caring for a colicky baby is not a job for just one person. Parents should request and accept all offer of help.
  • Adults suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or the side effects of Chemotherapy are successfully using Colic-Ease to help relieve symptoms including stomach upset, bloating, gas and nausea. These customers felt that Colic-Ease was a natural alternative that was extremely effective. If you are interested in using Colic-Ease for one of these conditions, simply print out the information about Colic-Ease (found on the Ingredients Page) and bring it to your physician or pharmacist. The recommended adult dose is 4 tablespoons.